Chilly Weather Vehicle Prep

Image of Winter Roads

Winter has arrived and it is time to make sure our vehicles are fully prepared to cope with all that chilly weather!
Having to go out in the winter and negotiate your way through bad weather conditions is misery enough without the car breaking down and leaving you stranded, waiting for help to arrive. A few checks on your vehicle can save you that misery, and perhaps save you money too. To give you a head start we have listed a few simple rules for keeping your car running during the winter months.

A sudden cold snap often results in many cars stuck at home with a flat battery, if your battery is over 4 years old you would be well advised to get it checked.
Make sure your anti freeze is at maximum strength, your local garage will be happy to check it for you, ask them to top up your screen wash at the same time.
Oil and water levels should always be checked and look for perished hoses at the same time. Is your air intake in the winter position (if applicable).

Are your wipers in good condition?
Check your tyres are inflated correctly and ensure you have at least 3mm of tread.
Get your brakes checked.

Park in a garage if possible and never leave sat navs, phone chargers, ipods or other accessories on charge overnight.
Before you try to start your car always ensure that your lights, wipers, radio, heater, etc are switched off before you turn the key, this will avoid any unnecessary drain on the battery.
When the car is warm try not to use the heater, heated windscreen and heated seats continuously as they place a high demand on the battery.
WD40 applied in the door locks can stop them freezing up, if they are already frozen try warming your key.

Scrape snow and ice from all the windows and lights, never use hot water on your windscreen as it may cause it to crack. Don’t use your wipers until you are sure they are not frozen to the windscreen.


  1. Check anti-freeze strength
  2. Get battery tested
  3. Check oil and water levels
  4. Check for perished hoses
  5. Check air intake is in winter position (if applicable)
  6. Ensure you have at least 3mm tyre tread
  7. Check tyre pressures
  8. Check all lights are working and clean, carry spare bulbs
  9. Get brakes tested
  10. Top up screen wash with additive at the correct concentration
  11. Check windscreen wiper condition
  12. Squirt WD40 into door locks
  13. Always have sufficient fuel
  14. Carry a winter kit

Consider buying snow tyres or snow socks